Friday, June 27, 2008

gravity incident and new antenna

Wednesday, Jack and I went to pick up a 10/15/20 meter triband yagi that a silent key donated to the WPI Wireless Association. The rope used as guy wire (this taught me to always, ALWAYS use stainless steel wire rope instead of cotton rope) was... less than the strength it needed to be to lower the tower onto the ground safely, and as a result it ended up on the ground quickly and not exactly in the best shape. As a result, I am attempting to repair it and keep it for my use, as no one in the club will want to deal with bent and broken elements on an antenna that would only be used for field day events (thus, assembled and disassembled a lot).

And the new antenna...
I went to home depot and purchased $38 worth of EMT and fittings. By my calculations this should build a nice 6-meter 5 element yagi - a pretty good price for one I'd say. I just need a few U-bolts and the scrap G-10 fiberglas bar I have to finish it off.

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