Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Faisal Shahzad: 0 USA: 1

... is it just me, or is this guy the most inept terrorist of all time*? I can't think of a single step he didn't bungle. He gave out real information when signing up for the prepaid cellphone. He bought the vehicle on craigslist (using the prepaid cellphone for contact), then failed to remove all identification from it (though he attempted to, he missed some.) He did a truly terrible job of building the bombs. Heck, he claims he lit the fuse - what idiot builds a car bomb with a fuse? He stayed in the area of the bomb attempt too long, and took too long to leave the country.

It's almost like he wanted it to fail, and wanted to be caught.

Regarding the bomb - what a screwup, from the pictures and diagrams it looked like he just threw everything in the car and hoped that would cause an explosion, it reminded me of Johnny 5's cooking in Short Circuit. Any engineer, or any moderately intelligent tinkerer could build a better one. I am glad that engineers, tinkerers, and intelligent people seem to not be interested in terrorism, because we'd be screwed if they were.

The most ridiculous part? He claimed to be a holy warrior, but then as soon as he was caught he rolled and told the interrogators everything, including giving up others who helped him. He probably damaged the terrorists more than he helped them - a good thing in my book, but I'm wondering why exactly he did it while claiming to be on their side. None of his decisions or actions really make sense at all, unless he wanted to fail and be caught or is some sort of diversion.

* except, possibly, the ones who set the timer wrong on their car bomb (daylight savings time, doh!) and had it explode while they were an hour from their target, killing only themselves. These guys really win the prize... literally. They got a Darwin Award for it.

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